15 Things to Have in Your Command Center

Command Centers are exactly what they sound like. They are the main space in the home where everything can be found. This is where you can store all important information and paperwork that needs to be shared with the whole family. I recently wrote a post, “5 Ways to Organize Children”, where I discussed having designated areas for children’s belongings. This is that but for adults! If you have designated areas, everyone knows exactly where to look for things.

Of course, organization is a HUGE benefit of having a command center, but there are a few more benefits as well. Communication is the biggest benefit of having a command center. This is a great way to keep all of your important items together and keep your family connected.

Here is a list of some of the things you may want to have in your own command center:

  1. Calendar

  2. Dinner menu for the week

  3. Wall mounted letter holder for incoming mail

  4. Wall mounted letter holder for outgoing mail

  5. Key ring holder

  6. Holder for pens or other writing tools

  7. A spot for artwork

  8. A spot for any decorative pieces you would like to add

  9. Chore charts for you and your children

  10. Hooks for any backpacks or anything needed to grab on the way out

  11. Clock

  12. Cork Board

  13. Dry erase board

  14. To-do list

  15. Shopping list

You do not have to put ALL of these things in your command center but these are pretty good ideas for you to start and you can choose what you would like.

Don’t forget to add your own flare!

Whatever style you may have, go with it! Have fun and decorate however you would like. There are SO MANY brilliant ideas out there and you can use these ideas for your own inspiration! I have a whole Pinterest Board dedicated to Command Centers that you can check out.

What are the top THREE things you are going to put in your command center?