10 Closet Organization Hacks

Closet organization is useful for adults and children. The easier it is to find things in the morning, the smoother your day will be. I have personally found that when I have an easy morning that is planned out, I am in a better mood and do not have that anxious feeling throughout the day or while driving into work. 

If NOT being organized in the morning has this effect on adults; imagine how it can be for children? 

Before we get started, I do just want to say, I do not have any affiliation with any of the companies, people, or products that I list and do not make any money off of promoting any of these items. 

Here are some simple and helpful ideas to get yourself and your children’s closets organized: 

1. Maximize Space

A few things you could do to maximize space in a closet is to use slim line hangers, or use a double rod. Slim line hangers really do save space and they even hold your clothes better so they don’t slip off. You can buy a double rod system for relatively cheap to turn your one rod into two to have a top and bottom row. You can use the top rod for shirts and the bottom for pants, or whatever works for you. 

2. Use the Door

Another way to utilize all of the space in a closet is to use the door (if you have one).

One thing you could do it hang an organizer from the door such as a shoe organizer. You don’t have to put just shoes in it. If you want to you can. But you can get creative here. You can use it to hold fashion accessories, or even perfumes and lotions if you don’t have dressers for the top space.

You could also use a command hook on the door and hang a scarf hanger from it (hanger with loops in it). This will give you more space in your drawers and also not waste space on the rods if you can hang your scarves. 

3. Plan Your Outfits

Going back to my point from the beginning, if you take the time (maybe 10 – 15 minutes) before the week starts to plan out you and your child’s outfits, it will save you time each morning and take out that frantic feeling of rushing around in the morning. There are a few different options for this.

I really like the idea of the weekly organizer for children. Each day is labeled and they can make the decision of what to wear each day of the week. 

On top of being organized, this will help create more independence for you children. They will have the responsibility of choosing their clothes and preparing for the week. If you are looking for more ideas to create independence for your children, you can also read, “5 Ways to Organize Children”

Now, for a more mature and adult way to organize your weekly outfits, you can do a few things. You may want to decide to put your weekly outfits to one side of the closet and then use different colored hangers for each day. 

A second option that you could do is to use closet rod dividers for each day of the week. There are many options out there so you can choose different ones you may like that fit your personality. 

4. Always Have A Bin Handy

There are a few things to do with bins and ideas for different types of bins. Lets talk about the kids first: 

It’s always good to keep a bin or storage box handy in the closet if you have room (or even right outside the closet). This can be used for toys or stuffed animals. That way if there needs to be a quick clean up, there is a spot to put those things. 

For adults, I am talking about having your laundry basket in there if you have room, and maybe even an extra basket or bin in there where you can put clothes in that you know you don’t wear anymore that could be donated. When you have the extra bin already in the closet, it makes it easier and a more routine process to purge those extra items you do not use anymore. When the bin gets full, take it to the donation center! 

5. Make Things Accessible

This goes along with having bins and baskets available. I did suggest earlier storing these baskets in your closets if you have the space. However, one of the most important things when organizing is to keep things accessible so you can implement the systems. 

Some people are not the type of people who like to hide things. Sometimes, it is just an extra step. For example, some people are not the type of people who will take a lid off of a basket or a bin just to put something back inside of it because it was one more step that they have to do. If you remove the lid off the box, they will put things in the box. 

With closets, sometimes something as simple as just opening the door to the closet is a real chore for some. That is when you start noticing clothes piling up on that chair in the bedroom instead of putting them in the laundry bin.

In this case, keeping the toy bin or the laundry basket outside of the closet is better idea for quick access.


Lets go back quick to the point about finding all of the clothes piling up on the chair in your room instead of in the closet or in a laundry bin. There are a couple different reasons for this. The first one, we already talked about (not having easy access to the laundry bin). 

The second one is that maybe the clothes you just took off are not really dirty enough to go into the hamper, but you just don’t take the extra time to hang them back up or fold them back up and put them in your drawer. 

Hanging hooks can be a solution for this problem. You can hang hooks on your closet door, or even behind your room door where you can quickly and easily hang up these clothes so they are not on the ground and not covering that chair in your room. 

You can use hooks for hanging up hats, ties, or anything else that you may need a quick spot for something to hang up and get it out of the way. 

7. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

I KNOW there are plenty of you out there who do not like to fold clothes. This is why I say, don’t sweat the small stuff. The small stuff, meaning: socks, underwear, swimsuits, or hats. 

I am the type of person who HAS to fold my socks and keep them together after they are washed because it is quicker for me to find them in the morning. I however, do not fold underwear. That is just one thing that is completely pointless! 

There are other types of clothes that we have that are just hard or awkward to fold or store. These are the other types of clothes like swimsuits or hats.

I suggest buying plastic crates of some sort that you can just toss these items into and store them in your closet. 

8. Use Vertical Space

Don’t forget your vertical space! The space above your closet rod. You may need to install some sort of shelf yourself if you don’t already have this space, but it would be worth it. You can store your plastic crates at the top of your closet, or even store seasonal clothes at the top of your closet and have easy access to them when you have to switch out your clothes for the next season. 

You can also use this top shelf space to store purses, or out of season shoes! 

Now if you do this and are “vertically challenged”, don’t forget to get yourself a little step stool that you can keep in your closet for when you have to get to those items on the top shelf. 

9. Label

LABEL EVERYTHING! For every bin you have, label that bin. Make sure to put like items in that bin so everything that is in it goes together so you have just one label. That way, you won’t have to guess which bin you have to look into on the top shelf and you can grab the right one the first time. 

10. Color Code

Color-coding is something that I freakishly enjoy doing. I am a total nerd when it comes to this. My closet is organized by color (I usually do darker colors to lighter colors). I keep all of the colors together but then I also organize by sleeve length (shortest to longest). Again, planning ahead of time saves me time later on. So when I am picking out my outfits, I scan right to the section and know exactly what I am looking for. 

I hope these ideas will give you some inspiration on getting started with your own closet organizing! As always, if you are looking for more inspiration, visit my Pinterest Page!

If you need help getting started, feel fee to contact me today!