How to Organize School Paperwork and Artwork

1. Have a place to unload paperwork after school

In my previous post, “5 Ways to Organize Children”, I talked about having designated areas for things such as backpacks when the children get home from school. In these areas, you could also hang a letter bin next to the hook for the backpack. You can put one for each child next to each hook.

When children get home from school, they can hang their backpacks and then unload their papers or school folders from their backpacks into the letter bin.

Having it out in the open as a visual is a great way to remind yourself to review the paperwork and take care of it. That way, nothing will get missed and paperwork can be returned to school on time.

2. Go through the paperwork EVERY night

Going through the papers every night is an important part of the process. In order to stay on top of things, you should plan a specific time of day or night to sit down and go through the papers. At this time, you can look through everything and mark things down on your calendar and sign any forms.

3. Put papers or folders back into backpacks

Once finished, put all paperwork that need to be returned back into folders and backpacks. So that everything is ready to go in the morning.

You may want to decide to place things back in the letter bins and put some more responsibility on children so they can put the paperwork back in their backpacks on their own or you may want to just put things back in the backpacks right when they are done depending on what time you end up going through all of the paperwork.

4. Create a Spot to Display Artwork

One other thing to do is to create a spot to display artwork that gets brought home from school. There are different ways you can do this.

One idea is to hang picture frames at eye level so children can hang their favorite pieces of artwork up when they come home from school.

Another idea is to hang thin rope or twine and then leave clothespins or mini clothespins on the line so children can hang up their artwork also.

If you would like to get more creative, check out All About Organizing on Pinterest for more ideas and inspiration!

Wondering what to do with all of the artwork and memories from all of the school years that pile up? Get your free guide on how to organize and store children’s artwork!