3 Easy Steps to Organize Your Home Efficiently Before a Renovation

Organizing your home is an important step to take before renovations begin. It may feel a little more chaotic and overwhelming from all of the moving pieces. Permits, timelines, backordered materials, the list goes on. Don't let your unloved items be part of that chaos. Here is our three step process to get organized before home renovations begin.

Tip #1: Declutter, then Decide What Stays and Goes

It does not make sense to move old, unloved stuff into a new, improved space. If there are items that you no longer use, are damaged or don't work, are no longer functional, or just will not fit with the new aesthetic of the space, either donate it or discard it. If you need to replace something, start creating a list of items you will need to purchase to complete the space.

Tip #2: Sort, then Strategize About Daily Needs

The construction zone (and probably other areas close to it) will get dusty. Place items that are not used often into clearly labeled bins for safekeeping during the renovation. Try to keep all of these items in once place of your house so you know exactly where to go if you need to find something. Be sure to keep items that you use daily at an easy location (medications, etc) so you can access at any time. You may choose to keep these items in another bin so you can move it to another space of the home and keep everything together.

Tip #3: Pack Up, then Put the Boxes in Storage

If you have space in your home, such as an attic, garage, or basement, you may decide to keep these items here during the renovations. If you do not have the space, you could rent a storage container, or pod, to hold those items until the renovations are complete.

The end results of home renovations are so fun and exciting, but can also cause stress and overwhelm during the whole process before it's finished. If you are getting hives just thinking about the "before" part, reach out today to schedule a complimentary consultation so we can get a game plan going for you! We can help with the before, and after, so we get you started on the right foot in your new space!

If you're ready to hand off your pre-renovation organizing to an expert, we've got your back! Contact us today.

Until next time,
