How I Became An Organizer

Hey friend!

If you happened to stumble upon this post somehow through the inter webs…then WELCOME! If you are a subscriber and took the extra time to pop over to read this HIGHLY fascinating story (*can you hear a little sarcasm there?)…I SO appreciate you!

I appreciate every single one of you who are taking the extra time out of your busy schedules to learn a little more about me. If there is anything I’ve learned over the last few years, it’s that we ALL crave connection. If we like someone, we want to learn more about them - and that’s not always easy to do online!

I always knew in the back of my mind that I wanted to have my own business, but never really knew what I was good enough at! My uncles had their own flooring and construction companies and my father would do side jobs like flooring, roofing, sheetrock, all types of things. I would actually go on jobs with them and help them - Yes, I’d be on top of a roof nailing in shingles. I loved the hands on work, but boy was it PHYSICAL. I knew that I could not do these kinds of jobs on a regular basis.

I worked in retail since I was 16 years old, bagging groceries, and becoming a head cashier at Stop and Shop. I then started working for Lowes. I used to actually enjoy working there. I drove all of the fork lifts and machines! Again, working hands on, being on my feet, walking around, talking to people, it was great.

Although I loved working with people, I knew I did not want to work in a retail environment forever either. I was there for 8 years while I was going to CCSU to complete my BA in Elementary Education. I loved the idea of teaching and LOVED working with children, however, I realized that after I finished student teaching and graduated, I did not enjoy the environment. So, what did I do instead? I got a job in an office where I was sitting, attached to a headset all day! Ah, to be young and dumb!

After some serious soul searching, I realized that I needed to look deep in myself and figure out what the heck I was good at and make something for myself that I could be truly happy with. Something where I could work with my hands, but still feel like I could teach people something and make a difference in people’s lives.

….In came Professional Organizing!

Organizing and being organized always came natural for me, so I never actually realized that it was something that people struggled with. I never really thought about it! I did a LOT of research and started realizing that this was an actual thing that I could do to help people. I realized that there was a whole psychology behind the whole idea of organizing. Again, not realizing that what came sort of easy to me, did not come as easy for others.

As I was researching, I made it a point to really educate myself on the topic of organizing. How to help people get organized, what causes people to be unorganized in the first place, how to set up systems that actually could work for people, and how to help people set up routines and habits to make those systems stick.

Don’t get me wrong, even though I help people with this, it doesn’t mean that everything in my house is perfect - or I have all my ish together! I am human like everyone else. I still find myself trying on a top, realizing I don’t want to wear that one, then throwing the top on the floor or across that convenient chair in the room to “hang back up later”.

Or, I buy another shirt, or piece of decor for my house, knowing darn well that I don’t actually need it. Those Target trips are a trap. I tell you!

I think I am actually working more hours now as an entrepreneur, however, it doesn’t actually feel like work. I have truly found something that I love doing in all aspects. I love getting to work with my hands, teaching people, making a difference in my clients’ lives, that I get to be creative, and I love that I have a new challenge or puzzle to figure out with almost every client.

So, if you are reading this, I would love to say a big THANK YOU. Because if it weren’t for you, I couldn’t do what I love and help others.

If you’d like to learn more about me and support me, sign up to be a subscriber if you haven’t done so already. I send out a weekly email that gives a little about me, my services, and also extra tips in all aspects of organizing that you will not find on the blog! (link below).

Feel like you are ready to start your organizing journey with me? Schedule your free consultation.

Talk soon, friend
