How to Create A Homework Station in 5 Steps

Last week we talked about creating positive learning environments at home. This week I am going to share some tips on designing a designated homework station for children to confidently get their work done at home.

Creating a designated area in the home to complete homework has many benefits. For starters, setting a designated spot in the home will ensure routines for children and will also play a great role in keeping things contained and organized. By having a designated space for homework, this can also increase productivity for children and also create a safe learning space for them as well.

Here are 5 steps to creating a homework station in your own home:

1. Choose a Location

The first thing you want to decide is where you are going to have this spot. If you have an extra room in the house, that is not a bedroom, then you can choose to set up shop there. If you are limited on space, you can get creative.

You may decide to set up a homework station in your hallway, or another spot where you may have extra wall space. If your hallway is not big enough to place a whole desk on the floor, you can install a hide-away desk.

If you are not too handy, don’t worry. You can even just designate one side of of the kitchen table for homework time.

if you are using the kitchen table, you may want to add an element to it where you can create some privacy for your child or children. In school, students would have dividers that they could use during reading time or when taking a test. You can have the same thing for them at home.

2. Make it Comfortable

Make the learning environment comfortable, but not too comfortable! I guess this depends on the type of work being done or the location of the homework station. Some items needed to make things more comfortable for a homework station would be a comfortable chair, a desk lamp or good lighting, and some inspiration.

Chairs: If you have a wooden chair, add a cushion to it to make it more bearable. A child who has a hard time sitting still to complete any homework or task could benefit from a different type of chair, or even no chair at all. You could try a standing desk or a chair that has some type of bounce to it.

Lighting: If your homework spot isn’t in a well lit area, you can add a desk lamp or floor lamp to the area. If you are using the kitchen table, they do make desk lamps that will clamp onto the edge of the table to easily remove it when finished.

Inspiration: When I say adding some inspiration, you can add some of the child’s art work on the wall behind the desk, or you can have an inspirational quote that they like too for some extra motivation.

One thing that I would like to also mention about making a comfortable environment is creating a reading nook or reading corner in your home. A nice cozy spot in the home with a pillow or something to make the environment more welcoming

3. Stock it Up

The supplies that you put in your child’s homework station will vary depending on the age. For younger children you may have more craft supplies, scrap paper or construction paper, and books. For older children, you will want to have the following supplies on hand:

  • Sharpened pencils and erasers. You do not want to have the temptation of being distracted by playing with the pencil sharpener during the time when they are supposed to be concentrating on getting work done.

  • Paper/notebooks. Scrap paper may be useful as well.

  • Miscellaneous supplies such as a calculator and ruler

  • Computer/Laptop/Tablet. There are some caveats for electronics. You of course, want to limit this and again remove temptation and distraction.

  • Chalkboard/Whiteboard to hang up. This can be utilized as a to-do list so that way the child has a visual of things that need to get done.

4. Turn Off Social Media

Now in days, it seems like EVERYONE has either a cell phone or tablet of some sort with social media. Even young kids. It seem like we can’t escape electronics and social media. Everything is being planned around electronics, even school work. Teachers are doing more things online in school, so projects are being assigned that require computers as well.

If you do have a computer in the homework station at all times and a computer isn’t needed, you can set a password on the computer so they can’t use it when they are not supposed to.

You could also make it a rule where they can’t have their cell phones at the homework station (if they have a phone). They have to keep their phone in their room or another spot other than the homework station so they won’t be tempted to play with their phones.

If they do need to use the computer for homework, there are options and apps such as, Freedom, that you could use to actually turn off social media notifications during a certain time frame. This could help limit distractions as well.

5. Keep It Clutter Free

There is nothing worse then a desk or work area that is full of clutter. Talk about distractions and anxiety. There are a few ways to keep materials contained depending on the type of area you designate for your homework station.

You can use a portable caddy with a handle on it that is filled with supplies needed. It can be stored in a cabinet and then when needed, removed and moved to the table and then put back when finished.

You could also use a portable shelf or rolling cart to stock up all of the supplies and place it next to the table or area.

If you are using the kitchen table as a work station, you could use the portable caddy that cane be easily put away and you could also tie over the chair bags to the back of the kitchen chair as a way to contain any papers that may be needed also.

As always, whenever you are creating these environments for your children, you can be creative and add your own style to it. Don’t forget, when creating this for your child, take into account your child’s learning styles, age, and personality so they can get the most out of their own environment.

P.S - for more inspiration and information on learning environments and homework stations, visit and follow me on Pinterest!

I would love to hear your ideas and see your progress! Feel free to leave a comment on where you will create your homework station. Or you can post a picture on Instagram and tag me @allabout_organizing and use the hashtag #allaboutorganizing