How to Organize Gift Wrapping Supplies

Paper, ribbons, and bows, oh my! There are so many supplies needed just to wrap all of the gifts that you buy. I would love to share a few tips with you that could help you keep all of these items together and more organized. By keeping everything organized and in one place, it will help you save time and money.

How many times have you thrown away tissue paper, or a roll of wrapping paper because you didn’t have anywhere to put it or better yet, you were finally sick of it falling over in your closet and unraveling all over the place? BEEN THERE!

Hopefully these ideas will help. I also want to again mention that I have no affiliation with any company for showing any products. These are simply just suggestions that I have found and researched and wanted to share.

The first thing you are going to want to make sure of is that you keep all supplies in one place for easy access. There are many different approaches to this and you have to determine which would work best for you depending on the space that you have in your house. Here are a few ways to do this:

1. Use your wall space

Many people often forget about wall space or even the space on the inside or outside of a door. These spaces aren’t just for family photos and cute sayings. You could hang an organizer on the inside or outside of a closet door! There are a couple of different options that you could do. I found a hanging organizer on Amazon at a fair price. You could use an over the door hanger to hang this on. Or, if you are handy, they make shelving systems that you could actually install on your door as well.

I do not have this, however, I think this would be a great option if you had a designated room for crafts or even just a spare room where you have enough space to wrap your gifts in that room. I think it may be a hassle if you have to take things out and then bring them to a different room and then bring them back to put them away again. This may lead to us leaving things out and not putting them away. However, if you have the one on the left that is movable, you may be able to just bring the whole thing with you to the room where you will wrap and then put the whole thing back again (if you have the discipline to do that and not leave it out!)

2. Hide-aways

If you aren’t a fan of hanging things on doors, or maybe don’t have room for it, you can always use hide away totes that you can put under the bed or somewhere else that is out of the way.

I really don’t see where you could go wrong with either of these options above. I will say, I really do like the fact that the option on the left has handles on the outside. I think this is just a nice feature to have especially if you are storing it under a bed or even up on a high shelf. The handles make it easier to grab. The handles also make it easier to carry. I’m assuming that if you are storing these things under the bed, you need to bring them somewhere where you have enough space to wrap something.

3. Storage Carts

Storage carts are another way to keep all of your supplies together and possibly even do the wrapping all in one spot if the cart counter is big enough.

So I do have mixed feelings on these carts. Some of the Pro’s would be:

  1. Everything is kept in one spot

  2. You may have enough space to just wrap everything right there on the shelves that it has

  3. It is on wheels so it is easily transferrable to anywhere else in the home

I think some of the Con’s would be:

  1. It is bulky and it could take up a lot of space

  2. If you have this in any other room other than a craft room or something, it may come off as looking cluttered. (If you have a closet big enough you could put it in the closet when it isn’t in use).

Either way, everyone has their own preference and whatever works best for your home is the ultimate goal here.

4. Spare Closets or Rods

They make hanging organizers for clothes, hats, and shoes already. Why not make them for wrapping paper? This kind of goes along with #1 about using wall space. However, these can actually hang up in a closet or just from any rod that you may have or can install. If you have spare bedrooms or even a basement, this may be an option.

Both examples here are relatively inexpensive solutions, however, just by looking at them, I’m thinking the green one of the left would be easier to work with. The front of it is already open so you have easy access to pick out a paper. The red one on the right seems a little much. You have to unzip the bag, then it seems like you would have to fight with all of the wrapping paper and even catch it from falling out of the bag. I could be wrong though. I haven’t used either of these so I’m not for certain.

If you have used any of these products, which ones have you used or is your favorite? If you don’t use ANY of these, how do YOU store all of your wrapping paper?! I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below and share your ideas!

You should also check out more Seasonal Decor Storage Tips to help you through the season and feel free to visit me on Pinterest where you can find other ideas and perhaps DIY’s all in one easy spot so you don’t have to go searching yourself!

As always, if you think you need an extra set of hands, or even just some motivation and a plan to get you going, I am here to help and would love to chat.

Talk soon,
