How to Organize Your Backyard

Well hey there! This past month I have been talking a lot about prepping and decorating your backyard before the summer months but I realized that I haven’t really talked about ORGANIZING your backyard.

Organizing and decorating go hand in hand, but there are a few different pieces that go along with it. The one thing I want you to keep in mind when organizing your backyard, or any space for that matter, is ZONES. Creating zones in your yard will make it easier for you (and your kids) to know where to find things, and to put things away easier as well. A win, win!

Here are a few steps you can take in order to organize and create zones in your backyard.

1. Gather All Items

The first thing you will want to do is gather all loose items that you have in your yard or what to have outside for the season. For instance, you may have: all types of toys and sports, pool toys/accessories, grilling items, gardening items, etc. Gather all of these items and create piles with the same categories of items.

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2. Zones

Once you have figured out the types of items you have, then you will figure out where you will store those items in your yard. One way to create zones is to block off sections of the yard. For example, if you have a table and chairs, or a fire pit, you could section that off by building a patio or even having a section of rocks that the items sit on.

You may want to have another section of the yard dedicated to toys. You could have some sort of shelf in that section of the yard that corrals all of the toys in one place. (Don’t forget to label the toys!)

A few tips:

When thinking about the zones, or where to actually put things in the yard, make sure that you are putting zones where they make sense. For example, you wouldn’t put pool toys all the way on the other side of the yard that isn’t near the pool. And putting gilling items next to the grill makes sense.

Will you have neighborhood kids coming over and dropping their bikes all over your yard? Someone you may want to do is get some sort of bike rack that kids can park their own bikes in and have a designated space for that as well!

Please remember, there is no RIGHT way to organize. Only to do what makes things in your life easier, whatever that be!

Now that you are getting your backyard in order, are you going to host any parties this summer? If so, get my free Checklist and Timeline Planner to make your life easier when throwing a party!

Talk soon, friend!
