How To Organize Your Calendar During the Holidays

The holiday season can feel pretty rough and hectic. Between the back and forth from all of the different events, to shopping and planning, ON TOP of all of your regular to-do’s you have to worry about during the year.

This is why I think it is very important to stay on top of your calendar and keep it manageable, especially during this time of year. Here are a few tips on ways to keep your calendar organized to hopefully take some of the hectic out of the holidays.

1. Schedule the events and family traditions that are most important to you and your family

Really think about the activities that your family loves to do during this time of year and make sure to plan for those first. Making time for things that are most fun and important to you and your family will make everyone happy. It will not feel like a chore to get these kinds of things done.

2. Wants vs. Obligations

This goes along with number one. If there are things that you WANT to do, wouldn’t you rather do what you WANT to do rather than things you feel obligated to do? If you are dreading going to the holiday party for work, why bother? Especially when there are other things that you would rather be doing.

Which brings me to my next point . . .

3. You Can Say No

I’ve written about this before after I heard someone say, “No is a one word answer”. Often times, I find myself explaining why I “can’t” do something to someone who asks me when, in reality, I don’t NEED to explain myself, and neither do you! Don't WANT to do something? Or you have other plans? Then NO it is!

4. Leave Room For Prep Time

If one of your favorite things to do is to host a party every year, then make sure to block time off in your schedule so you can do things like, shop, decorate, and prepare for your party! Same goes for any other things that you may need time for like gift shopping, decorating your house, mailing and writing out cards, etc.

Love the holidays but dread the idea of decorating and taking the decorations down? We offer services to local residents where we can decorate for the season and/or take down and organize your decor to store until next season!

Contact us today to learn how we can help you!

Talk soon,
