Seasonal Decor Storage Tips!

I can’t believe how time is flying! It is already the middle of October and the holidays are right around the corner. With all of the different seasons and holidays coming up, that means lots of different decorations and decorating! I love decorating for the seasons and different holidays, but it does take time and planning. I would like to share with you some tips on how to make it a little less stressful and smooth.

So since we are coming up to the holiday seasons now, I’m assuming that all of your decorations are already put away, or you are going to be buying decorations for the upcoming season if you don’t have them already. So with that in mind, I’m talking about doing these things when you are taking down the decorations after the season has passed.

If you take the time to organize it before you put it away, you will thank yourself next year!

Here are a few steps to take when putting away seasonal decorations:

1. Gather

The first step in this process would be to gather all of the decorations in one spot of your house and sort like items together in separate piles. I would also differentiate between indoor and outdoor decorations.


Some examples of piles of like items could be:

Kitchen towels, tablecloths, napkins
Gift wrapping supplies
Different colored ornaments (Christmas)
Lights and extension cords
Ground stakes and outdoor extension cords

2. Purge

The next step would be to go through each pile individually and get rid of items that are broken, out of date, or things that you may just not like anymore. If you have an abundance of something, it may be time to think about getting rid of or donating some of those items too.

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3. Contain

After you have gotten rid of and condensed the decorations, now we have to contain them and put them away. The size and shapes of the decorations are going to determine the size of totes that you buy and how you will store them. You may want to decide to color code your totes even. I know they make the red and green totes for Christmas, and then you could get different colored totes for all of the other holidays. Depending on your style, you may just want to get clear totes for everything too. Whatever works for you.


4. Label

Next thing is to label your totes. There are different ways that you can label each tote, again, depending on your style and what works for you. Here are a few different ways you could label:

Vinyl labels with item category
An index card on the front of the box with items listed
Vinyl label with a number on it and then having a binder with the numbers and every item listed
An actual photo of all of the items displayed on the front of each tote


I personally like to just label the front of the tote with a vinyl label with the category name on it. I feel like if I were to try labeling each tote with a number, and then needing to have a binder listed for each numbered tote with all of the contents, it would just be too much work. Not to mention, i would have to keep updated the individual list in the binder whenever I change out decorations. That is just me personally, however, everyone is different. So like I said, whatever would work for you.

5. Store

Last but not least, it’s time to put those totes away. You only need these items for a certain time period and not for a very long duration during the year. You do not need to store these items in a prime spot in your home. It can be a spot that isn’t easily accessible. You don’t want to put the decorations in a spot in your home that is taking up space in an area that is easy to get to. You need to save that space for items that you use on a regular basis. You may decide to store these items in an attic, basement, spare room, or an extra closet that you aren’t using.

The holidays should be a time of celebration and joy. If you are totally stressed out and overwhelmed, I do offer hands on seasonal maintenance packages! Let me organize and store things for you! Save time, sit back with your feet up, and let me handle the rest!
