How to Pack A To-Go Bag

Well hello there!

If you have been following along, last week I wrote about How to Get Your Family Organized for the Summer and one of the things I had mentioned was to create a “To Go” bag. When I think of a “to go” bag, I think of it as something different than a travel bag or suitcase. Travel bags and suitcases, to me, are for longer overnight stays. A “To Go” bag is more of a bag you take with you that has things already packed for a small day trip or a long car ride.

“Why do I need a ‘To Go’ bag?”

Well, let’s say it’s Saturday morning and you don’t have anything planned. You are scrolling through Facebook and see an advertisement for what looks like a really fun event for you or your kids that is happening TODAY. It’s maybe a 45 minute to an hour drive.

You think to yourself, “The kids would love this!” So now, you are thinking to yourself, ok, it’s an hour drive each way. I need things to keep the kids entertained for the rides; We won’t get there until past lunch time, so I need to pack them a snack to hold them over.


All of these “to do’s” come up and as you're thinking of everything you have to do, this awesome fun trip seems to be turning into such a drag and then you debate on if you even WANT to go anymore!

If you have this “To Go” bag ready and stocked with essentials, it takes the planning and decision making out of it and it will give you more time and flexibility to take those last minute trips!

“What Do I Put In This To Go Bag?”

Here are some general ideas for what you may want to pack in this “to go” bag whether it be for kids, or even as adults and women:

  • Books

  • Coloring Books

  • Crayons/Markers/Colored Pencils

  • Trivia Games/Mad Libs

  • Crossword Puzzles

  • Pens & Pencils

  • Snacks

  • Nutrition Bars

  • Lip Balm

  • Hand Sanitizer

  • Tissue

  • Face Masks

  • Extra clothes for the kids & maybe even for the adults!

  • Poop bags - if you have dogs!

  • If you have doubles of a toy - keep one in this bag!

  • Sunscreen

  • Baby wipes

  • Sun Glasses

  • Water bottle(s)

  • First Aid Kit, bandaids

  • Insect Repellant

  • Medications/Creams

  • Hair brush

  • Hair ties

  • Benadryl

  • Aloe/Sunburn Relief

  • Kids activity books

  • Sanitary products

  • Clip board (for a hard surface for writing)

  • Ziplock bags for any special treasures your kids find

Again, this is just a generalized list. You may even decide that you want to create another basket specifically for any beach or water activity days that has those types of belongings in it for a quick grab and go!


“Where Should I Keep My “To Go” Bag?”

Your “to go” bag, or whatever it is that you filled, should be kept in a place that you will remember, and in a place that is easy to grab on your way out. If you park your cars in the garage and exit your house that way, keep the bag hanging on a hook, or the basket placed on a shelf in your garage.

If you leave the house through the front door, storing it in an entryway closet or on a hook by the door would be useful.

You may even decide that you want to just keep the bag in the car at all times. This is fine, however, you will probably have to bring the bag back inside the house to replenish any items. So once you bring it in the house and restock it, make sure you put it back by the exit so you remember to put it back in your car!

Was there anything I missed? What items will you be keeping in your “to go” bag/basket? Tell me in the comments!

Want to set up your own to-go bag? I have created this free guide with lists of items to fill your bag, as well as a product list of the very items I use for my own clients to set up their to-go bags!

Talk soon, friend!
