How To Digitize Your Child's Memories

Ah, August. Not just the beginning of August, but the middle. I’m talking - 2 more weeks until school starts again for a lot of families.

Summer is coming to a wrap and right now, you're probably worrying about getting things prepped for the upcoming school year. Getting your calendars in order, figuring out schedules, doing a huge snack haul to restock the pantry, and … prepping yourself for the influx of papers and art work that will soon be drowning your home.

You probably have plastic totes full of papers, artwork, and class photos for your kids shoved in a closet or in the basement or attic.

I’m excited to share with you a NEW way to capture all of these memories . . .


The Class Keeper app is a TOTAL GAME CHANGER in the way you can save (and share) your child's memories as they go through their school years.

The Class Keeper app is a BRAND NEW app that was created for moms BY a mom! The app is a place that allows you to keep all of your photos of your children in a digital filing cabinet. Each child has their own folder. And within that folder, you can organize class photos, family photos, and artwork by vacation name, and grade level.

I even had the pleasure of speaking to her directly to go over the app and it's features. The coolest feature by far (I think) is the fact that you can share the albums with family members and friends! So they can see everything in real time. When you share the album, you can make someone a “viewer" or “co-editor”. So, you are at one soccer game with a child, while your spouse is at another event for your other child. You can both upload photos to the appropriate child's profile!

How to Manage The Artwork As It Comes In

You are probably thinking to yourself, “Yes, but what do I do with the artwork that comes in right away before I put it into the app?”

For Paper Artwork:

You could have a thick photo frame (1 for each child) that can hold multiple pages at a time. The child can choose themselves which piece of art they’d like to display. They can choose from all of the artwork they have stored in the frame. Once the frame gets full and can’t hold anymore papers, the child can choose which pieces they want to discard. When it comes time to discard the artwork, spread the pieces out on the floor and take a photo with your child who created them. Then upload that photo into the Class Keeper app!

For 3D Pieces of Art:

You can have a shelf on the wall (1 for each child) where your child can display their art. Then repeat the same concepts as the one above.

The Benefits

Guilt Free. No more feeling guilty about getting rid of something your child made. You aren’t getting rid of it. You are simply capturing the moment in a different way. After all, you probably will not remember the piece of paper with scribbles on it. But you will remember the time you spent with your child creating it. The hand in the paint, and probably everywhere else. You can capture a photo of the moment.

Passing It On. I know you don’t want to think of this yet, but, just imagine when it’s time for your child to leave the home. Instead of giving your child boxes and boxes of things (that probably won’t mean much to them and like how you probably got your memories from your parents), you can pass along access to the Class Keeper app. Where your child can see their photos from growing up, what family members had to say about the photos, and even funny moments of their childhood all documented in one space.

A Live View Of The App

Here is a video I made of me showing you what the app looks like on my phone and what you could do with it!

Get The App

Ready to get the app? Click the button below to register!

P.S - I do earn a small commission if you purchase the app through my link. However, I only suggest things that I have used myself and would find beneficial for you!

I Don’t Want To Spend The Time Uploading The Previous Artwork

So if you’re thinking to yourself, “This is great but now I have all of these previous things that would take DAYS for me to upload and organize.” We got you, girl!

All About Organizing can create your child’s profiles and upload all of the previous photos and artwork for you! We will get you up to speed so you can start adding all of the current photos and take it from there!

Reach out today to schedule a consultation!

Until next time,
