What Will My Organizing Project Cost?

Have you wondered what it may cost to have All About Organizing come to organize a space in your home? In this post, I will be sharing very rough estimates of long a space may take us to complete. (CLICK HERE to see our pricing guide)

Whenever I do a home consult with a client, I always ask clients to show me around the space and I ask a lot of questions. The reason I ask a lot of questions is so I can get a better idea of how to set up the space in the most functional, and maintainable way for your family.

After seeing the space, I will give a rough estimate of how many hours I think the project may take. When I give estimates, I am very clear with my clients that again, it is an estimate, so we may complete it sooner, or it may take longer.

If anything, I may over estimate by a little bit. The reason that I over estimate is because I’d rather tell you it takes a little bit longer and we complete it quicker, rather than me telling you we can do it quicker, but then you needing to add on more hours after the fact. I like to be very realistic and estimate the best way possible.

I am going to share with you the amount of time it has taken us to complete certain areas of the home in the past.

**Please note: these are just estimates, and again, everything will be determined based on your space and the amount of things that you have in it.

1. The Kitchen and/or Pantry

This will vary widely depending on the size of your kitchen, how many items you have, and the amount of time it takes you to make a decision on keeping an item or not, and if you are willing to put in some work ahead of time before the session.

A kitchen alone could range anywhere from 5 hours to 15 hours.

If you have a separate pantry, that may be around another 5 hours. If you have have a cabinet with food in it as your pantry, that could probably get done within the allotted time for the kitchen.

2. The Office

The factors that come into play within the home office is: how many things are in there, what types of tasks are getting done in that space (besides work), the amount of drawers, shelves, and closets in the room.

Offices that I have done in the past have taken between 15-20 hours.

**This estimate does not include organizing paper

3. The Playroom

Some of the factors to consider when estimating a playroom: how many children there are, ages of the children, types of toys they have, how many activities will be done in the space, how micro we need to organize things. When I say how micro we need to organize things, I mean, how detailed do we need to be? For instance, if your child looks for Lego blocks by color or by brick size, then we will need to pick through each piece of Lego and set that system up. If your child looks for their doll accessories by seeing them on display, then we will need to go through each piece of clothing and accessory and figure out how to display those pieces so your child can see all of them.

A playroom could range anywhere from 20-30 hours.

4. Paper & Filing Systems

I am listing paper as a whole separate entity. When working throughout a client’s home, I will almost always leave paper until the very last thing because it does take a lot of time. I will usually try to set something up for the client to start maintaining the new daily mail coming in, but the paper that is piled around, or in boxes for a while, I will do at the end.

This, of course, will vary depending on: how much paper you actually have that we have to go through, and the type of filing system you’d like to create.

Paper has taken me anywhere from 15-25 hours.

5. Attic, Basement, or Garages

Ah, the ABG’s. These spaces usually take the most time because this is usually where most of our belongings live. You know, the spaces where we just “put it there so it’s out of the way” kind of items. No judgment, I’m guilty of it too!

The time frame to complete one of these areas will vary depending on a few factors: how many items you have in the space, what types of items you will be storing in the space, if any shelving will need to be assembled and added to the space, and again, how micro we will have to sort the categories of items that will be living in those spaces (i.e decorations for different holidays, tools, etc.)

The ABG’s could range anywhere from 25-40 hours.

This information is to try and give you a rough guideline as to how many hours a certain area of your home may take. Please keep in mind that these are just estimates on what certain areas have taken us in the past and that each space may vary depending on the factors listed above for each space.

If you’d like more information or an estimate on how long it may take us for your space, please reach out by filling out our contact form and I will be in touch!

Until next time,
