How to Design a Beautiful Home with Wellness in Mind

“I just want to feel at peace in my home again”.

This is something I hear quite often. Everyone has spent a lot more time in their homes since the pandemic. So I think it’s only natural that we are starting to notice the effects of our environments on us. Your home may make you feel stressed out, but your home also has the incredible power to inspire feelings of deep relaxation, health, belonging, and contentment.

Before we get into the meat of this blog post, let me just tell you tip as a starting point. Usually, people feel stressed the most by their home when they are either first waking up, or when they first get home and walk in the door. To start to make a positive change, figure out when you feel the most stressed in your home, and then correlate it to the area of the home and start there.

So now here are a few ways to design a beautiful home with wellness in mind.

1. The Nuances of Natural Design

There is a reason why a lot of spas probably look and feel the same. The same reason why you probably also feel so relaxed while you are there. That’s because of the natural materials and color palettes they use. Nature is soothing. Now, does that mean that you have to have white splattered everywhere? Absolutely not. Think of the colors that you see in nature and mix them. Here is MY PINTEREST BOARD FOR SOME INSPIRATION.

Here are some material suggestions for natural finishes: stone, wood, live / faux plants, clay earthenware, natural textiles, and organic patterns.

2. The Fundamentals of Functional Design

I may be a little biased here, but a home designed for wellness is one that feels easy, doesn't butt heads with the person's daily routine, and has a place for everything. When you walk into your home, are things just thrown on the floor? Are there paper piles everywhere? Do you find yourself saying, “I know I had one, but now I can’t find it"? So then the next thing you do is add yet another task to your to-do list and go to the store (or order) the item you can’t find?

If you’ve tried solutions in the past that just don’t seem to be working, it may be worth hiring a professional to come offer suggestions! Having a fresh set of eyes (and, not to mention, a set of eyes that has extensive experience doing this with others) on your space could give you ideas that you may not have thought about before!

3. The Must-Haves of Sensory Design

Wellness is a multi-sensory experience involving both body and mind. Consider these ideas on how your senses can be stimulated in positive ways and then incorporated into your home.

  • A steam shower: Where you can just veg out and relax

  • Diffusers throughout the home: To create faint, relaxing smells

  • Soft fabrics: Can you just picture the feel of the soft blanket on your skin as you are sitting on the couch or in a chair with a book?

  • Tech-free zones: A place to unplug and not be distracted by any blue lights or noise going on in the background. Family time, quiet time, alone time. Whatever you’d like to do in that space.

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Until next time,
