3 Helpful Tips for Maximizing Closet Space: Hanging vs. Folding

I am writing this at the end of September, in New England, when the season is changing over to fall. So, for many, that means time to change over the seasonal wardrobe and get out the hoodies and sweaters.

Closets are a struggle for people because they can be set up in so many different ways. I think, sometimes, that people get hung up on the idea that this “has to be hung up” or, “do I really need to fold this?” And the answer is - no. You do not need to do anything specifically just because you saw it in a picture.

There are, however, some things to consider when trying to determine what to hang vs. what to fold and I am about to go over them.

1. Hanging Clothes

When is hanging clothes the “right” method? Well, if you absolutely hate folding, then hanging is right for you. In all seriousness, if you aren’t going to take the time to fold clothes and put them away, then just hang everything up. Don’t have a dresser? Hang everything. Lacking drawer space? Hang it.

There are certain items that should, however, always be hung up no matter what. Clothing like dresses, formal wear, dress pants, anything that would wrinkle easily, and other materials like silk (blouses), and different coats and jackets.

Clothing like tshirts and jeans could be hung up if you really wanted to also.

Prefer to hang things but have a small closet? Check out these 10 Closet Organization Hacks.

2. Folding Clothes

While folding may seem like a pain, there are certain items that should always be folded rather than hung up. Thicker knits and sweaters should be folded to protect the fabric and their shapes.

Yoga pants and other active wear should also be folded. If they get hung, you could risk stretching them out.

So now that you have items you are going to fold, you will have to decide where you will store them and how you will fold them. If you have shelves in your closet, I would fold the thicker pieces like sweaters and hoodies and place them on the shelves. These are thick so they would take up a lot of space in a drawer. If you need to use a drawer then that is still better than hanging.

Now, the other question - how do I fold my clothes? While I love the look of a good file fold, sometimes, that isn’t always practical. If you have been folding clothes for a certain way for a long period of time, it may be really hard for you to start to try and change the way you fold. Yes, file folding will make it easier to see every single shirt you have all at one time, but sometimes, I’ve noticed that it really doesn’t save space in the drawer. Not to mention, again, if it is going to take you too much time to fold, then I suggest you try to stick with what you’ve been doing. If you can keep your drawers maintained with file folding, then by all means!

3. A Clothing Consult

Interested in a sneak peak of how you can organize and style your wardrobe? Check out this post I did where I spoke with a personal stylist on all things style and organization: How to Organize & Style Your Wardrobe

If you’ve been struggling with trying to get your closet under control and maximize the space in your closet, you may want to consider hiring a professional organizer for a clothing/closet consult. Every family and closet is different. By working with a professional organizer, we can find the perfect blend of storage solutions to maximize the space AND lead to long-term maintenance.

Need help organizing your closet for ease of access, space saving, and even joy in getting ready? Let's chat!

Until next time,
