3 Big Lessons I Learned In 3 Years In Business

Well hello there!

My name is Amy Fredericksen. The owner and Professional Organizer with All About Organizing. I always knew I wanted to have my own business, but it wasn’t until 2019 that I finally decided to take the HUGE leap and do something for myself that I loved.

These last 3 years have been tough, to say the least. But, I wouldn’t trade it for another 9-5, EVER. I have struggled, and am still pushing myself every single day. I’ve learned a lot about myself in these past 3 years and have grown as an individual as well.

I am honored to share with you the 3 biggest lessons I learned in these past 3 years in business, and show you how you can relate these lessons in your own personal lives, whether you have a business or not.

Lesson #1: Be Yourself. You Aren’t Everyone’s Cup Of Tea

When I first started out in my business, I thought I had to portray this certain type of “vibe”, and it honestly just felt really forced. It took me over a year to realize that I just needed to be myself. That’s all I can do. I was way more confident when I was being myself and I felt like I was being true to myself, which made me be true and real for my clients.

The more I just let go, I realized that people really appreciate you being “real” with them.

Now, after realizing that all I can do is be myself, I’ve also had to learn that, sometimes, you just don’t mesh well with certain people, or, some people just will not like me. And that’s ok.

This is a lesson I’ve taken to heart in my business, and even my personal life. There are so many people in the world, so we want to make sure we are spending our time with the people we enjoy, and who enjoy our company in return. If we don’t get along, that’s ok.

Lesson #2: Don’t Be Afraid To Hear The Word “No”

I have stopped myself from doing and trying so many things all because I kept going back and forth with myself about all of the “what-ifs”. What if they say no? What if it’s not the right time? What if I’m not the best? I have really tried to understand and think to myself that if someone says “no”, it isn’t personal. They aren’t saying no to ME. But they may just be saying no for right now.

I’ve also realized that there really isn’t anything incredibly TERRIBLE that comes after the “no”. Even if someone says no to me for something, what happens after that? NOTHING. Everyone goes about their day and the world still continues to spin.

The saying really is true, “What’s the worst that could happen? THEY SAY NO” And guess what? I’m still fine! And you will be, too!

Lesson #3: You Need Systems!

Boy oh boy does this lesson ring true, in my business life, and personal life! When I’m working with clients, we are always implementing new “systems” in their home. Systems that end up creating new habits to improve and streamline some area of their lives. Creating these systems are a way to:

  • Clear your mind (because you are forming a new habit you don’t need to think about)

  • Copy something over and over again (again, no thinking involved!)

  • Save you time because you have a routine in place

  • Put a routine in place so things could be done without you even there (things can run smoothly without you even there)

I’ve mastered setting up systems in clients’ homes, however, when it came to working ON my business, I was CLUELESS! When I first started my business, I was kind of doing things on the fly. But, as I continued to grow, I realized that I was spending way too much time doing things over and over, but also missing or forgetting to do certain tasks because I did not have the system in place for those tasks to begin with.

The more systems you have in place, the smoother things will run, the more time you will save, and less brain power will be needed!

With these lessons, I’ve grown into a more confident business owner and individual. I learn something new every day and as I grow my business and personally, I am able to bring more of the confidence and streamlined experience to all of my clients and make sure that their projects get completed to a high standard from start to finish.

If you loved these lessons and want more expert advice throughout the year, be sure to sign up for our newsletter below!

Until next time,


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