Featured: "How to Get Organized: Expert-Backed Tips to Reduce Stress"

Don’t miss the recent Redfin article I was featured in:

“How to Get Organized: Expert-Backed Tips to Reduce Stress”


Getting organized doesn’t just mean your belongings are in the right place all the time, it can also be beneficial to your wellbeing. Living in an organized home makes everyday tasks that much easier, even if it’s something simple like locating the house keys or finding your phone charger. 


Almost everyone wishes they were more organized, but the task of organizing itself can just be wishful thinking to some. Sometimes finding the time to begin organizing, or even knowing where to start can be the biggest obstacle. Whether you live in a condo in Atlanta or a home in Philadelphia, there is no better time to start organizing than today. For their latest article, Redfin asked me to share one of my best tips for staying organized so you can take back control of your space.

Check out what I had to say!


How to Get Organized: Expert-Backed Tips to Reduce Stress

You don’t have to do it alone! If you are looking for some help, or someone to talk you through it, I’m always here!