How To Organize A Healthy Routine

I am very excited to be writing about this topic this week. The information in this blog post was taken from a Facebook Live I did on Tuesday January 19th with my friend and Health Coach, Amy Shaw from Stop Sugarcoating It.

I will break down the topics discussed from our live video here and you can watch the video for yourselves if you’d like as well!

(7:00) Intro about Amy Shaw : Amy is a certified Health Coach. Her journey started about 4 years ago when she was pregnant with her first child. She started learning about the connection between mood and behavior disorders with children and the food they were eating and it prompted her to begin her career as a health coach.

(9:00) It is actually OKAY to eat hearty foods like butter, bread, meat and potatoes and not feel guilty about it!

(11:00) Organizing goes hand in hand with being healthy and having a healthy lifestyle! If you have a cluttered environment, it will cause harm. Being organized will help you be successful.

(14:00) Where does someone even start to begin their journey to a healthy lifestyle? If someone has fast food all of the time, what steps can someone take? One little step you can take is to add vegetables to a meal.


(17:00) Jumpstarting your healthy routine - be aware of your eating habits. What are you eating, and how are you feeling after you eat? Keeping a food journal in the beginning is a great way to do this. You should NOT be feeling bloated or have lots of gas all of the time! Once you know how you feel, that is where the mindset shift comes in. Are you going to accept this feeling or are you going to change it?

(27:00) Time and mindset - You need to be able to take care of yourself in order to care for your family. Make yourself a priority. Your self care has to come first. I, myself, am starting to do this. I mark off time in my day to exercise or self care. I am starting with one day a week just to get started.

(32:40) Routines - mediation and journaling. Is there a specific time of day to do this? The answer is, whenever you can! Set a timer for 2 minutes at a time and do this 5 times a day to either journal or meditate.


(32:50) Exercise - how can you add this into your routine if you have a physically active job or are even mentally drained after working? Truth is, Amy doesn’t use exercise for the physical part. She uses it to challenge her mind. If you are working a physical job then that is enough. Exercise is a mood enhancer. Even just taking a small walk will make a difference. You DON’T need to overwork yourself at the gym!

(40:40) Getting your spouse and kids on board with this. How to get your kids to eat vegetables. Kids need to be exposed to a new food almost 80 times before they will try a food! TIP: Tell your child, whatever is on your plate in on your menu and you can’t ask me for anything else. You can have whatever is on your plate. If they are hungry, they will eat it. Keeping eating and snack time at the same time every day is so important for the routine for kids.

(50:15) The dreaded BMI scale - are you unhealthy if you are “overweight” according to this chart? The chart does not take into account muscle. If you are living a balanced life, getting water, journaling, meditating, and eating healthy foods for your body, you are still healthy!


(1:00:35) How to lose weight with fibromyalgia - the root of fibromyalgia comes from inflammation and what you are eating. Stay away from sugar, processed foods, caffeine. How to make an adjustment in your eating habits. A creative substitution in how you cook a meal.

(1:09:30) The theme of the night - BABY STEPS! You have to come at this whole thing from a respect for your body. You have to be positive to make all of this work.

Amy was generous enough to create a free checklist for us all! The checklist consists of small daily things, or steps to take in order to ensure a healthy lifestyle!

Here is our live chat with all of the juicy and important details! Hope to see you at the next one!

Talk soon, Friend
