How to Keep Calm During the Holidays

I know the holidays get everyone, including myself, in a tizzy. Between all of the family gatherings, work functions, and school gatherings that we have to attend, and all of the time we have to spend prepping for those affairs, my head is spinning just thinking about all of it!

Shopping, hiding, wrapping, cooking, baking, cleaning, OH MY! The list goes on and on.

In the past, I have stressed myself out so much that I start freaking out and then I take it out on the people around me, which then, turns into a whole other stressful situation and argument. Which quite frankly, is so stupid and unnecessary. I didn’t like this or how I was acting so I decided I needed something to try and calm myself during the holidays. A way to keep cool and not make myself crazy. You know how they have “Bridezillas” I think I was a “Christmazilla”. HA. That probably makes no sense, but I thought it was funny. (I would love to hear any other funny terms or made up words for this that you may have).

Along with planning and budgeting ahead of time for the holidays, here are a few other things I came up with that I can try, and you can try, to calm yourself during the holiday season:

1. No is A One Word Answer

I have read multiple articles where productivity experts will say, “No is a one word answer”. That really had me thinking. I, and I’m sure you all, would usually say, “No, I have too…” Or, “I can’t because…” After hearing this philosophy, it made me think to myself, why am I explaining myself to people? I don’t really NEED to do that.


Don’t be afraid to say no. Don’t feel guilty. It is okay to say no. That way you don’t spread yourself too thin and make yourself crazy! Many people try to take on way too many things at once. You have to remember to think and care about yourself, during the holidays, and every other time of the year as well.

2. Practice Gratitude

We are all so busy with our day to day lives and just so used to going all of the time. When was the last time you thought about things you are grateful for? Or even good things that have happened in your life?

Next time you are feeling overwhelmed, or like you have hit your limit, stop and take a minute to think about all of the good things happening in your life. I’m sure this will bring a smile to your face and even some calmness to your mood. How many times have you heard the saying, “When it rains it pours”? Instead of thinking of it like this, start focusing on the positive!


3. Do Something for Yourself

Lets face it, women (and men) wear many hats. Supermom, Superwoman, wife, employee, boss, manager, chef, homemaker, etc. You are so focused on getting things done for everyone else. Like cleaning the house, getting those reports done for your boss at work, baking cookies for the school bake sale, driving your kids to all of their events, the list goes on and on. It’s time to take an “adult time out”. That’s right. Press pause and take some time to do something for yourself. Take some time to do something that you enjoy. You can do this on your own or with friends. Just make sure it is something you enjoy. Maybe you prefer to spend the time by yourself just relaxing or reading in your favorite chair, or maybe even treat yourself to a mani pedi or even a massage for yourself to help you feel relieved during the stressful season.


4. Outsource

Of course, I am going to mention this as a last thing during the holidays. Think about outsourcing some things to other people during the holidays. It will cost you extra, however, it may save you a lot mentally. You could hire babysitters to watch your children or even bring them to practices and then home again or something. You could even hire outside resources during the holiday, such as a personal assistant, or professional organizer, who would help with grocery shopping, gift shopping, wrapping, laundry services, decorate, or even meal prep and other day-to-day tasks. Don’t feel as though you have to do everything yourself. Many people hire others to help. See why others would hire a professional organizer.

I am always here to help and do offer special services like this during the holiday season to help make your life easier. We can create a custom package together and talk about your individual needs! Contact me today. I’d love to hear from you!

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