How to Organize Your Seasonal Wardrobe

The winter weather is finally here so I guess it’s time to change out the clothes in my closet to match the season. Not going to lie, I love sweaters, but am not a fan with the weather that comes with it! I have a small closet so I have to trade out my clothes when the different seasons hit. Of course, I do this because I want easy access to the clothes that I am wearing on a daily basis. It just makes things easier and quicker in the morning when I get ready.

There are a few ways that you can store and organize the clothes for the different seasons but I am going to take you through this process using the *P.A.C* system:

1. P is for Purge

When you are switching out the clothing from your closet to fit the season, the first thing you want to do is go through each item of clothing and determine what to do with it. Have you worn it? Is it damaged or have a nasty stain on it? There are three things that you can do with the clothes:

  1. DISCARD: You are going to throw the item of clothing away if it looks old, if it is torn (not like a ripped pair of jeans that I guess is the style now), or if it is stained.

  2. DONATE: You should donate any item of clothing that you haven’t worn all season. If you haven’t worn it this year, you will probably NOT wear it next! Make sure the items are clean and not damaged.

  3. KEEP: You are going to keep items that you have worn regularly and are in good condition. Or, if you are a fan of Marie Kondo, keep any piece of clothing that truly “sparks joy”.

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It is a great idea to purge your clothes before you store them in order to save space when storing, and another plus, it will save you so much TIME when you are unpacking the clothes again next season. All of the hard work and thinking is already done, you just have to hang the items up or fold them in the drawer.

When you are hanging up your clothes for the new season, place the hangers backwards on the rod. Once the item is worn, turn the hanger around the regular way. At the end of the season, whatever wasn’t turned around, can be tossed or donated because you know you haven’t worn it anyways. This is a great visual and simple way to quickly purge your clothes when the time comes!

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2. A is for Assign

The second thing you are going to do is to figure out WHERE you are going to store your clothes when they aren’t in your closet. You may have a spare closet in another room, or you could store in basements, garages, attacks, shelves, or under the bed. You may have to get creative if you are short on space, but whichever works best for you and that will work.

I personally have a spare closet that I use to trade out my clothes. I like the clothes I am wearing during that season in my room for convenience and then the out of season clothes are out of the way in the other room.

3. C is for Contain

So many people make the mistake of buying containers first before knowing where they will put the containers, and I used to be one of them! Trust me, you will save yourself so much time and money by establishing a place to put the containers first, then you can determine what size bins will fit in the space you are storing.

If you are storing items, make sure to use containers with an air tight seal or lid. And of course, you are going to want to LABEL the outside of the bin with the persons name and season for easy grabbing for the next season.

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You can add dyer sheets to the bins to keep the clothes smelling fresh. OR you can add a few drops of your favorite scent of essential oils to a thin piece of cardboard and put that piece of cardboard in the bin for the same purpose.

If you are looking for ideas on how to organize your closet, you can check out My Closet Organizational Hacks.

I would love to hear any other tips you guys may have or where you are all storing your seasonal clothes! Leave a comment below!

P.S -
As always, if you feel like you need a little extra help, I am here! Feel free to contact me and we can personally discuss your closet or any other part of your home. I can create a plan for you to do on your own, or, ditch all of the stress and save yourself some time and I will do it all for you! Click below for more information!