Why You Should Downsize Toys Before the Holiday

It’s the holiday season again and our homes are probably still filled with piles of toys that our kids have gotten throughout the year from different occasions, and now another one coming up too! You’re probably thinking, “My kids have asked for all of these other toys and gadgets that are just going to clutter up the home". Or, “Grrrreeeaaatttt another thing they AREN’T going to put away!”

One thing you can do during the holiday season to try to organize the toys in your home is letting go of toys that are no longer being used.

Why Should You Downsize Toys?

Have you ever said to yourself, “My kids have so many toys but they don’t even play with them!” I’ll tell you why (or part of the reason). DECISION FATIGUE is a REAL thing! When there are so many choices or things to look at, you don’t even want to make the decision. As an adult, think of the piles of laundry, or your long to-do list. Doesn’t it just make you feel so defeated and that you don’t even want to or know where to start? This happens with kids too!

Really spending some time going through each of the toys is a wonderful way to actually see all of the toys and decide if your kids have actually played with them. I’m sure when you go through these toys you will say, “I haven’t seen this in ages” or, “They are too big for this now”. These are exactly some of the reasons why you should part with these toys and donate to some other family who could use it.

When to Downsize Your Toys

I would always try to suggest that downsizing toys should be done before the holiday’s and also before any occasion (such as a birthday) where you know your child will be receiving other gifts that take up space in the house! Think of the “one in one out” rule. You don’t get anything new without letting go of something you already have. This would just be on a bigger scale!

How to Downsize Your Toys

There are a few ways you could do this, depending on how old your children are. If they are old enough to make decisions themselves, a good thing to do would be to have them be a part of the process. Teaching them about giving to others is just a great life lesson about giving, and also about not needing to hold on to things for no reason either.

What you could do is get a plastic tote bin (a BIG one) and place it in the middle of the room. You could also get one tote for each child too. Each child will fill up that bin with toys they no longer play with and that they would like to give to someone else. If there are toys that are not good enough to donate, or are missing pieces, then put those in a “garbage” pile.

You could also use this method but in the opposite way - anything that they can fit in the plastic tote are things they are going to keep. This makes it a little bit more challenging because they really have to decide what items and toys are most special to them. Pick which method to use based on your child’s personality.

The Benefits

This process will get easier for you and your children every time and the more often you do it. By practicing giving, you are working a “muscle”. It does take time, but you will get there. By doing this practice, you will be able to do this throughout your whole home. This will also teach your children the same as well.

Having Trouble?

If you are having trouble going through your children’s toys, or any of your other items for that matter, feel free to reach out for a free consultation. Why hire someone to help you? I can talk you through the process and offer different activities and questions that I will ask in order to get you the results you are looking for.

Until then, I wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season!

Talk soon, friend!
