How to Organize & Style Your Wardrobe!

Hey there!

With the weather changing and pumpkin spice in the air, it made me really think about my wardrobe and how I needed to get my fall/winter (I hate saying that!) clothes out and get ready for the next wave of fashion.

As a professional organizer, I can help you actually organize your closet to make it so you can see all of your stylish clothes, but to actually give you advice on style and fashion? That is just NOT my wheelhouse.

This is why I teamed up with Valencia Holland aka The Style Educator to give us some really helpful pointers on some pieces of clothing to keep in your closets (no matter where you live!)

Below is a replay of our Facebook Live video we did - Facebook was giving us some MAJOR issues in the beginning, but we were finally successful in joining the live. So I skipped over the part where we were having technical difficulties and went right to the part where I joined in.

In this video I gave some tips on different ways you can organize your clothing, and some of the benefits to having your closets organized. Valencia gave some pointers on specific pieces to have in your wardrobe for this coming season.

Hope you enjoy!

Here are some links to connect with us!

The Style Educator Facebook Page

The Style Educator Instagram Page

All About Organizing Facebook Page

All About Organizing Instagram Page

Looking for some one on one help with a custom solution for your closet (or any other area of your home?) Click the button below to set up your free consultation.

See you soon, friend!
