How to Prepare Your Car for the School Year

Hello there and welcome!

The month of September has families running around like crazy trying to get back into the swing of the new school year. This month I have been sharing tips to help you feel more productive and save time during the school year.

This week, I’d like to share some ideas on how you can prepare your car for the school year in order to save you some time (and some sanity) on those not-so-easy mornings.

This summer, I talked about How to Set Up a Summer To-Go Bag so you have items easily accessible and ready to go for those spur of the moment day trips and long car rides. This is going to be a little similar to that concept.

Let’s face it, no matter how organized you are, we all have those mornings that we are just totally thrown off our game. And yes, there will be times when your family is even eating on the go. Not just in the mornings - but for after school activities as well. Being prepared will help easy some of the stress that comes along with those hectic mornings.

Setting up a pre-made car kit (or two) and keeping them in the vehicle is a great way to be prepared for whatever (or whoever) is causing mayhem to your mornings.

What to Put in the Pre Made Car Kits

It depends on what type of items you and your family will need. For instance, you may want to set up a car kit with pre filled snacks and juice boxes/water. Maybe one with hair ties and other healthy beauty products.

You could even set up these pre made car kits customized for each individual family member. Their bags would have items specifically for them. Depending on the age of the client, you could even get them involved and have them be responsible for refilling the bag themselves, or even have them set it up themselves.

Where To Store the Kits

You are going to want to store these kits in a place that is easily accessible for each person in the family. After all, part of the reason for doing this is so your kids can help themselves so you aren’t driving distractedly.

You could buy organizers that hang directly on the back of the headrest on the front seat.

You could also create place the kits in the pocket of the front seats as well so it is facing the people in the back seat. If they need anything, they can get it for themselves (depending on their age, of course.).

This probably isn’t the most glamorous organizing task, however, by doing this, you will notice a difference! There is a quote from Abraham Lincoln, “For every minute spent planning, an hour is earned”. The more you prep the more time you will save!

Talk soon, friend!
