How to Organize Your Home When Everyone Has A Different Style

Hey there and welcome back!

Does this sound familiar:

“I spend all day cleaning up everyones stuff around the house, then I don’t even have time to actually clean the house. I’m tired of it and feel like I can’t get ahead or catch a break!”


Please, bear with me a moment while I go on my tangent…

I have heard this a lot from mothers that I work with. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! The truth is, if you are spending all day tidying up the house and putting things back where YOU want them, maybe that is why they aren’t getting put back in the first place by your family members. Now, don’t get me wrong, I know there is definitely a “laziness” factor as well. But I’m just saying, if you were to put things back that is easy for your spouse/child, then maybe they would be more apt to putting it away themselves.

The trick is learning how to organize your home in a way that works for everyone so everyone can keep it organized. My philosophy is that everyone has their own unique style. Just how everyone learns differently, everyone has different ways to organize. What works for one, may not work for another.

I’d like to share some tips and tricks with you on simple things you can start implementing in your home to hopefully lighten the load on yourself and get your whole family on board with keeping things tidy. Because after all, you aren’t the only one living in the home.

1. Hooks, hooks, hooks!

This one little hack is going to change your life. Hear me out . . .

You or your family walks in the house after a long day. They take their shoes off and throw them to the side. They drop their coats, purses, backpacks right on the ground EVEN THOUGH there is a coat closet right in the entryway.

Well, one reason those things aren’t getting hung up is because those two little steps of opening that closet door, and taking a hanger off of the closet rod are actually two HUGE steps to take for those people when they get home. Again, some don’t mind doing that. Others, do not want to take those extra steps.


Here is where the hooks come in to play. Instead of a closet with a door on it, or using hangers, if you install simple hooks on the wall right where you walk in, I bet those items will get hung up and not tossed on the floor. Don’t get me wrong, just like anything else, it isn’t going to happen over night. But this will be easier to start to create those tidying habits.

If there is another space in your house where you are finding a similar situation, try hooks.

2. Keep Some Spaces Separate

Back to the idea about everyone having their own level of acceptance for what they call “being organized”. I always say, if someone can find something right away and knows where everything is, that is fine, no matter how it looks. Again, it has to work for that person. If you and your spouse are sharing a space, say, a closet, for example. If you like to keep things one way, and it causes you anxiety when your spouse does things another way, maybe you should split your clothes and each have your own closet.

One take the spare bedroom closet or something. If you each have your own space, then you may organize it however you choose, BUT, you also have NO say in how the other organizes their space. You are giving up control and letting them organize however they choose.

It doesn’t have to be just about closets. You or your spouse could have your own spaces such as a craft room, the garage, part of the basement, etc. The point is, is that it is your own personal space (and not a high traffic space) to do what you please. Which leads to my next point . . .

3. Create Neutral Zones

These “neutral” zones are typically the high traffic areas, or areas of your home that visitors will see when they come over such as your living room, kitchen, or even the bathroom. This is where communication is going to come in to play, big time.

Your “non-negotiables”. Discuss, as a family, what you want the space to be like and agree on keeping these spaces tidy at all times. This is where setting up organizing systems that will work for everyone come into play. Or, if you are working on a project, do it in your own space to make a mess, not in the neutral zone, unless you are going to clean it up right away.


4. Divide and Conquer

Again, discuss with your family and divide the rooms up between each member. Each member of your family will be responsible for keeping up with that room. For example, if you do most of the cooking, then you should be in charge of cleaning and tidying up the kitchen because you know the area best and can put things back where you like them and know where to find them.

Each person will be responsible for their own separate space. But neutral areas of the home can be distributed so it all doesn’t fall on one person.

5. Hire A Pro

Of course, I had to throw this in here. If you and your spouse are struggling with this, always consider hiring a professional. A professional can come in with a non-biased opinion. I will get to know you and your family member and determine what systems will work and come up with the best solutions for everyone. If you are struggling to get your kids on board, I may have a solution or some tips to help you with that also!

Tell Me:

Have you tried any of these tips or is there something else you have tried that worked? Or maybe didn’t work? Leave it in the comments!

Talk soon, friend
