Self Care Tips

February is the month of love. But for many, loving yourself falls pretty low on the list. This is something I personally struggle with, and I know many of you go through the same thing. We are so busy working and managing the home and family, that taking care of ourselves just gets pushed to the side.


I have made it a point to take time out of my day to do things for ME. Putting myself as a PRIORITY! I know, it may sound selfish, however, if you aren’t taking care of yourself, then you can’t take care or love others appropriately either.

Here are just a few helpful ways that you can take better care of yourself this coming year and going forward:

1. Get Organized

. . . Of course! It has been proven by scientists that having a cluttered space can lead to anxiety, stress, and overwhelm. In turn - that can often lead to other health issues and negative emotions.

The reason I mentioned getting organized FIRST is because when your space is organized, your brain doesn’t have to work as hard. You feel calm, more energized, motivated, and focused. When you start to feel all of these positive effects of being organized, it will naturally lead to you taking better care of other aspects in your life like the following I’m about to talk about.


2. Exercise

“I’m too tired to exercise”

“I don’t have time to exercise”

“I’m always so exhausted”

Have you said these things to yourself in the past or even recently? I’m telling you, getting organized to begin with will give you more energy and even more time to actually exercise and not feel so tired in the first place.

Exercising, of course, has its own positive effects on people. It improves your mood, promotes better sleep, boosts your energy levels, promotes physical fitness, and has many positive benefits on your mental health as well.

Exercising has not always come natural to me. I REALLY have to find something that I like to do in order to keep doing it. I like to change it up and watch different work out videos like Tae Bo, Walk At Home, and Zumba videos. I may be embarrassed to admit this, but when I was little, I used to do those Richard Simmons workout videos with my mom. They were actually really fun! So the trick is to just find something that you really enjoy doing and that will not feel like a chore.

3. Cook At Home

Being organized will lead to more time and energy to want to exercise. When you are exercising regularly, cooking at home and eating healthier will naturally happen. There are many benefits of cooking at home. For instance, cooking at home will FOR SURE save you money, not to mention the health benefits of cooking your own food also. You are cooking with fresher ingredients at home AND it is way easier to control your portion sizes when eating at home too. If you are at a restaurant, it’s so easy to just keep “picking” at the food on your plate even if you are full while you are waiting for the waitress/waiter to come clear your plate.


4. Set Aside Time For Yourself

Even if it is just 10 minutes a day, setting aside those precious minutes of the day where you are by yourself, no interruptions, will really benefit your self care and your mind. Whatever you do with those 10 minutes is your choice. If you want to read, listen to music/podcast, or meditate. Maybe you choose to take this time to plan your day. Enjoy your morning beverage and write your tasks or to-do list for the day.

Tell Me:

What do you plan on doing to start loving and caring for yourself? Drop it in the comments below!