How to Pack A Suitcase

Well hello there and welcome back!

If you are planning on traveling this summer, which I know most of you are, this month I am talking all bout travel tips! Last week I talked about What to Do Before Going On Vacation and this week I will be talking about how to pack your suitcase for your trip!

Why is learning how to pack your suitcase important? Well, most of us do not pack our suitcases efficiently enough to where we are utilizing the space appropriately. Another thing I’ve noticed personally? When I pack, I tend to OVER pack and then my bag is even bigger - almost not able to zip again - on my way home because it is now packed with souvenirs!

Here are some steps to take and some things to consider when you are packing a bag or suitcase for any type of trip:


Use A Packing List

I am a huge fan of lists. They really help me gather all of my thoughts and keep me on track. Using a Packing List will ensure that you do not forget any items. I have created the ULTIMATE PACKING LIST with an array of items to suit your needs no matter what you are traveling for. Use this list as a guide each time you travel. If you do not need to bring an item on the list, just check it off or cross it off. Keep the packing list visible up until the day you leave for vacation. If you are like me, then you will have last minute items you will need to pack after you get ready in the morning!

Clothing: Roller or Folder?

When you are deciding on what items of clothing to bring, I encourage you to lay out your clothes you are going to take, and then try to edit it down. Most times, we over pack. One way to pack less clothes is trying to do a capsule wardrobe. This means having items that can be pieced together in different ways.

When it comes time to packing your suitcase, there are many different ways you can put your clothes in the suitcase or bag. Some people prefer to roll their clothes, and some fold. I personally fold because I have not figured out the rolling trick. There are benefits to each. This Website actually gives a really nice break down of different ways to pack and with videos to demonstrate!

Regardless if you are a roller or folder, you may want to consider using packing cubes when packing your suitcase. Packing cubes allow you to keep your suitcase organized and batch your outfits, toiletries, undergarments, and shoes in different compartments. If packed right, they can also help prevent clothes from getting wrinkled.



I would pack “travel size” everything (or at least as much as you can) for all toiletries. They are easier to store in your suitcase. Also, keeping a separate toiletry bag ready to grab and go whenever you travel is another great time saver. If you already have a toiletry bag packed, you know you will never forget your toothbrush or anything because it is already packed and you can just grab it for your suitcase. Be sure to pack your toiletries in a sealed bag to prevent any leaks.

Use the Nooks and Crannies

Using all of the nooks and crannies means utilizing all space in your suitcase. For example, if you are packing shoes, stuff those shoes with smaller items like socks and chargers before putting the shoes into a bag to put in your suitcase. If you need to bring belts, like the belts around collars of your shirts, or just line the belts up along the edges of your suitcase.


Using a 7 day pill box is a great way to keep all of your items separated and from getting tangled up with each other. You can even stuff the pill box in one of your shoes!

It’s In The Bag

Deciding on the bag you are bringing will make a big impact on your decisions on what to bring. If you have a larger bag, you will be tempted to fill it with more clothing that you may not necessarily need. Get a bag too small, it will be bursting at the seems on the way home.

Remember, the goal is to make sure that you bring enough on your trip, but that you will have enough space in your bag for souvenirs you want to take home with you.


Bring A Laundry Bag

Be sure to pack a laundry bag so you can put your dirty clothes in it throughout your trip.

Tag Your Luggage

The last thing you will want to do is put a luggage tag on your suitcase and even put a luggage cover on it - this is especially helpful if you are flying. Having a luggage cover on your suitcase will make it easier to spot out your suitcase on the convayer belt as it is passing by!

Tell Me:

Are you a roller, folder, or just cram it in there as long as I can zip it kinda person?? I’m a folder . . . and a little bit of “cram it in there” 😬

Talk soon, friend
