The Winter Tag

Hey there!

For this week’s blog post I wanted to try and do something a little different. I thought this may be a fun way for all of my readers to get to know me a little better.

This Winter Tag is where I answer 10 questions about the topic and then tag 8 other bloggers to do the same. Something light, simple, and fun!

So here we go!

Questions and Answers

1. What is your favorite holiday tradition?

I have a few traditions that I love/used to love. Growing up, my family would have these huge parties on Christmas Eve. Each year we would play “The Pickle Game”. We would hide a green pickle ornament in the tree and have each sub family take turns to try and find it. Whoever found it first would get a grab bag prize. We played multiple rounds so everyone would end up getting a gift. It was a blast. I miss this tradition because as everyone got older, we don’t seem to get together anymore.

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A tradition that I really enjoy now is spending the day getting our Christmas tree, decorating it, decorating the house, and baking cookies. My boyfriend is actually a better baker than I am. So he is usually in charge of that while I do the decorating! At the end of the day we will watch a Christmas movie. It really gets us in the spirit for the season!

2. What is your favorite winter scent?

My favorite winter scent would have to be, of course, the smell of a fresh cut Christmas tree! Or, the Balsam Fur scented candle from Yankee Candle!

3. What is your favorite winter go-to fashion trend?

Fashion? What’s that? HAHA. I have no clue! I just like to wear things that are flattering on me, I feel comfortable in, and that keep me warm!

4. What is your all time favorite holiday movie?

OH MY GOODNESS. There are so many to choose from! I find that I seem to watch these every year though: It’s A Wonderful Life, Home Alone (1 & 2), Elf, and The Santa Clause.

5. What’s your favorite holiday tune?

Again, so many to choose from. I am one of those people who start listening to Christmas Carols the day after Thanksgiving! “Sleigh Ride”, “Please Come Home For Christmas”, and just about any song by the Pentatonix are my favorites.

6. Do you prefer to travel or stay at home during the holidays?

I have never really had to travel anywhere for the holidays so I don’t know what that is like. I hear that traveling during the holidays are a pain, however, I would be open to the adventure!

7. What’s your favorite winter activity?

My favorite winter activity would have to be going to New York City for the day. We would go see the tree, and some years we would go to the Christmas Spectacular show with the Radio City Rockettes. It was amazing! We have been multiple times and it never disappoints!


8. Do you love or hate the snow?

HATE HATE HATE the snow. I don’t mind a little dusting, but I can’t stand these big storms with anything more than an inch on the ground lol

9. What is one item on your wish list this year?

A good pair of winter boots! I found out after this recent storm that the instant my shoes touched the snow, my feet were already wet. YUCK!

10. What is your favorite holiday treat?

A lady I used to work with brought me in a ziplock baggie and handed it to me and said, “Here’s some white trash for ya”. I was like, “Whhaaaatt?” It was Chex, Pretzels, M&Ms, covered in melted white chocolate. It was the best thing I’ve ever had lol.

So there ya have it. Plain and simple. A little more about me in a fun way. I’d love to hear more about all of you. Answer any of these questions in the comments below!

It is also time for me to tag other bloggers to join in the fun and share something about themselves with their readers! I tag…

Melissa @Modified by Melissa

Lindsea @Twinmomstockpile

Hilary @That Morning Girl

Tasha @The Tidy Type

Nancy @Simplified Spaces by Nancy

Kait @HARMONie Organizing

Victoria @Sorted Professional Organizing

Carly @The Tidy Revival