Why Do I Need An Organizer?

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Happy New Year!

2020 is FINALLY over, although, I, and I’m sure some of you, did have some good things happen this year.

I would like to take a moment to re-introduce myself and what I do. I started my business in August of 2019 and am loving this journey and learning a lot. Some things I like to do in my free time is read, listen to music, I’m trying to learn guitar, take walks, go on hikes, sports, travel, go to the beach, and ride my motorcycle.

I’m hoping to be able to travel more this coming year, but we will see what happens.

When I meet new clients, or talk to family or friends about what I do, I do get asked a few of the same questions often so I figured I would just mention those here to explain a little bit more about what it is that I do.

1. So, what made you want to become an organizer?

I have always wanted to work for myself and be my own boss. I just never knew of anything I was that good at to where I can make a business. I have always been very organized, and am the biggest dork and office supply lover I know. I remember in college, classmates would laugh, but always come up to me, asking to either borrow a stapler, hole punch, or any other random things they never thought they would need.

I did some research, and found that Professional Organizing was actually a thing. I would spend my own time organizing the offices that I worked in, never knowing that people actually really needed help with this sort of thing.

It is something I love doing, so I decided to take the leap and start my adventure.

2. So, people just pay you to come and move stuff around in their house?

Well, moving things around is part of it, but there is so much more involved. Everyone has their own organizing style. This is not a one size fits all type of project. Some things that work for one, will not work for another, and that’s where I come in. I try to put systems in place that everyone in the household will be able to maintain. If there are sufficient systems in place, it will help save time, money, and give you the freedom to do things you actually love doing!

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3. Why on Earth would anyone hire someone to just fold laundry or put something in a container?

There are many reasons someone would hire a professional organizer. For instance, if someone is going through a major life event such as downsizing, moving, combining households, or making room for a new baby, an organizer can help with these transitions. Others may need someone to just hold them accountable. Some people hire personal trainers for fitness, well, a professional organizer is like a personal trainer for your home. If you are interested in more details, you can visit my blog on The Top 5 Reasons To Hire A Professional Organizer.

If you are wondering more about what it is like to work with me or a professional organizer, take a peek at the Behind The Scenes Magazine! or simply just contact me! I would love to hear from you.

Talk soon,

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